This Dog Who Managed to Steal a Snack on Live Tv Is Now a Hero of the People

Posted by Larita Shotwell on Friday, September 20, 2024

Dog Steals Snack On Live TV And People Are In Love


Updated Nov. 13 2018, 2:36 p.m. ET

Source: twitter

The best thing about dogs (and kids, for the most part, too) is that they're themselves no matter the situation.

A dog doesn't care if you're in the supermarket. If they wanna bark, they're gonna bark. They don't care that the leather couch they're tearing up cost $3,000. They don't care that the mailman comes by every day because they're going to yap their heads off to protect their family regardless.

And if the dog is on a live TV broadcast, they don't care that a camera is staring right at them, they're going to sneak a snack without anybody noticing. Like this heroic pupper who didn't let anything get in the way of their meal. Just watch for yourself and see the master sneak-thief in action.

The dog is the real hero here

— Mikel Jollett (@Mikel_Jollett) September 11, 2017

Did you see that? The dog just went for that calzone. We could all learn a lesson from this brazen desire to get what you want when you want it, regardless of the circumstances. What if we attacked our own hopes and dreams in life like this dog, who didn't care (or know) that he was being recorded. He stole that Calzone right then and there and you know he enjoyed it, without shame. Because he is a dog who controls their own destiny.

Twitter immediately fell in love with the daring doggo, because honestly, it's kind of impossible not to.

Some heroes wear collars.

— Crowbi wan Kenobi (@Crowesq) September 11, 2017

Sneaky dog 🐶 steals the show

— Kween Leah (@Kween_Leah) September 11, 2017

Right under their noses.

— Pete James (@theudell) September 11, 2017

He's got stealth moves. So smooth and sneaky.

— Sue (@resister1313) September 11, 2017

Some thought that set up was a little too convenient, I mean what are they expecting, not to get a calzone stolen off the table right at the dog's snout level? C'mon man.

Many people thought that the Calzone theft was an inside job.

I'm starting to think the dog and the reporter are a team.

— Mikel Jollett (@Mikel_Jollett) September 11, 2017

Others were just impressed with the technique, I mean his sneakiness is on par with a cat's, and that might be insulting to a dog, but I only mean it as the highest of praise.

14/10 for flawlessly sneaky snacking.

— Alice Wessendorf (@awessendorf) September 11, 2017

Such a good (bad) boy.
